Funding stream update

Updated 25 April 2023

The funding stream has been removed from the customer creation screen.

It is now an account update which you can complete later.

This means that when you are creating a new customer, the field “Funding Stream” has been removed and you are invited to do this once you have created the customer.

How do I know my customer has been allocated a funding stream?

You can see straight away if your customer has been allocated a funding stream by visiting the customer overview page as per the examples below:

1/ Customer with an allocated funding stream:

Customer with an allocated funding stream

2/ Customer without an allocated funding stream shows “No FS”:

Customer without an allocated funding stream

You can click on “No FS” to add a funding stream to the customer. You can add multiple funding streams to a customer but check GCat guidance regarding funding streams as some funding streams might not be compatible with others.

Published 25 April 2023

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